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A Guide to Inspiration for Entrepreneurs
Greetings, one and all: welcome to the first blog for inspirational entrepreneurship. Of the myriad aspects of entrepreneurship beckoning for discussion, analysis and further procrastination, I am going to a non-linear approach to this blog. It is my aim and desire to inspire those who wish to pursue the freedom to explore the possibility of entrepreneurship. By way of introduction, my name is Basha Cohn. I started a group called “Society of inventors and ideas” a few years ago from the office of Howard M. Cohn & Associates, an Intellectual Property law firm. l also want to inspire those who have embarked on the exciting journey of self-promotion through an idea that could “make it”. The challenges are enormous, as are the emotional alphabet of a very wide spectrum. The fun of success is the goal. All that entails, envisions, promises. I will include articles from various publications, quotes from all sources and personal suggestions on how to relax and surrender to the process.
The fun of success
Let’s begin with the fun of success. What that feels like. I suggest, that right now, whatever you are doing, is the time to stop, close your eyes, and remember
a time of success. Any event will do. For example, finding the can opener you were look ing for . or getting the crossword puzzle finished, or keeping a new year’ s resolution. You get the idea. Success feels good, no matter how large or small. Feeling excited about your idea is a gift that you give to yourself. Ah, how lovely. Exhale.
This blog is for you – I want to know what you think
I want comments, ideas, suggestions , jokes, anything you have to contribute. Please interact with me and the other fo_llowers to your heart’ s content. Let’s share info rmatio n and blossom together.