An Overview

A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device used in trade with goods to indicate the source or origin of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. Trademarks are ubiquitous in the world of business and include many different types of marks. For example, some of the more common types of trademark, brand names and logos, help distinguish a company’s products from its competitors’. Advertising slogans, which strengthen a corporate reputation in the minds of consumers, can also be trademarked. Certification marks, which are also a type of trademark, attest that a product meets a specified set of standards.

While there is certain diversity amongst the types of trademarks, every kind of trademarks shares a few things in common. First, trademarks help your business communicate information about the quality of your products and services to the public. Through careful trademark selection and maintenance, you can set your company apart from the competition and establish a positive relationship with consumers.